Hi all,
As I mentioned in class, below you will find hyperlinks to your speech video. The videos are categorized below according to the time of class. You can look below, then click on YOUR NAME to access your video. When you watch your video you should complete page 203, your informative speech self evaluation.
Monday, March 26th
Misael Baez
Natalie Blanco
Garvin Degale
Benjamin Francois
Darnell James
Brianna Mahoney
Oscar Medrano
Wednesday, March 28th
Marjoan Baldera
George Boubilonia
Oliver DeLaCruz
Rosaly Figueroa
Ymani Jones
Jason Martinez
Devon Moses
Aldwin Taveras
Monday, April 2nd
John Bins
Deon Christran
Travis Dasilva
Deyanira Gonzalez-Marte
Dieuseul Lexine
Steven Medina
Tyrell Newton
Keila Viera