BP 2 Albert Gonzalez

The question I chose is twenty two. What lessons or warnings can gleaned from the dystopian narrative,and how do they relate to contemporary society?

From beyond like the other stories give a dystopian vibe .When science and technology has no limits dangerous things are bound to happen. The key  role of ethics  and responsibility when dealing with technology can’t be ignored.

A instance of when we weren’t responsible in contemporary society was when scientist let radiation spread that otherwise should’ve been contained in the chernobyl disaster  . If  we had more regulation and were more responsible deadly disasters like this  would never be leaked out again .

As quoted in From beyond ” entities that defied the laws of our reality” and a quote stated in there will come soft rains “Not one will care at last when it is done”. These statements prove how not caring can ultimately prove to be one of the biggest detriments to our society as a whole.

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5 Responses to BP 2 Albert Gonzalez

  1. Tyler Julien says:

    I agree with your claim that science and technology has no limits since we as humans are always evolving but we are also the ones that put us in terrible situations.

  2. Kimberly says:

    Hi Albert, I really enjoyed reading your response to question 22! I liked that you added some of your personal opinions as well.

  3. I liked the quotes that you used to strengthen your ideas and opinions. I also liked that you brought up a disaster that happened in the world that we live in as it allows me to compare the two disasters.

  4. JoshuaC says:

    Your thoughts on “From Beyond” were very short and to the point and give a great idea of what the story is about, great job.

  5. Evyatar says:

    I agree with the idea, that regulation is extremely important to prevent future disasters and unpredicted events that stem from our lack of understanding of these new technologies.

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