Category: Internships Blogs 9-14

Continuing on Blog Entries for my experience in Interning as a Social Media Marketing Interns, Networking, Webinars, ethical standards, and professionalism in creative marketing Blogs nine through fourteen.

Blog Entry # 14: Canva App Review

For my next App Review, I’ll review Canva, a new visual communication platform that allows you to create various Graphic Design tools. Whether designing Presentations, Social Media, images, videos, websites, print products, whiteboards, documents, or your custom orientations. Offers a variety of templates, stock photos, videos, and graphics to assist users in designing their projects. Canvas logo branding for both the tab, website, and app logos have a gradient color palette with cool colors such as teal green with a combination of sky blue and orchid shade of purple. This logo design uses tertiary color theory foundations affecting emotions of tranquility. The Typeface is a decorative font legible for the audience to read. It’s Canva. But what about the User Experience and User Interface of both the Web and App versions of Canva?

After returning to using Canva, thanks to my supervisor, I could design flyers, graphic slides, or QR codes for the Rollerskating with the Crew Advertising Campaign. Canva’s visual content in both User Interface layouts is much more organized and simplistic with visual hierarchy, with Medium Bold Sans Serif Heading Titles and a regular Sans Serif as their body text.

Blog Entry # 15: Final Intern Reflection and Presentation

For my final presentation of my overall experience as a Social Media Intern at Extreme Kids and Crew, I developed a Final Presentation to demonstrate and explain minor details about Extreme Kids and Crew’s Mission and demographic Audiences, Hybrid Workspaces, Projects I’ve worked on, and my overall impressions attending in the Environment at the Programs and Family Gathering events. This was something i was excited to share after my last day of my Internship for the Fall Session. Unfortunately most of the programs i attended to capture content for Promotional Short Form Videos ended sooner because i secured the Internship later than the Programs started and couldn’t attend Thursday Program sessions due to same schedule as my Thursday’s Design Team Courses.

There are many lessons I’ve learned and problems to solve in order to obtain the hours in a Hybrid Position both In-Person and Remote. I’m certainly glad having the access of the Extreme Kids and Crew’s Access to using Canva and Google Shared drive to submit photographs and videos on a proper folder. If there are ways to overcome is to improve a little more of my Time Management to create more flexibility hours, don’t be afraid to ask questions, even there are questions that isn’t clear sometimes, it’s better than not asking anything for help otherwise you will not fully understand the assignment you were scheduled to do. One thing i do enjoy Interning is starting off with the Icebreaker Question of the Day, It’s one thing to help your staff feeling more comfortable and confident to be yourself. I was able to get all of my videos projects done.

After the last session, I compose a five page essay of my Final Intern Reflection of my experience in the Fall Session and email it to my Supervisor while wrapping up my Final Presentation for the Internship Course’s Last Session. In conclusion, Extreme Kids and Crew is exactly is what described as their Motto, “A Space to be in.” It’s a environmental friendly for Neurodivergent Children and families to come make new friends either in or outside the programs to support and connect each other, Including the Staff.

Blog Entry # 13: Praise Frisco: Cooper Hewit Museum Visit

For my next Assignment, I attended the Cooper Hewit Museum on 91st Street in Manhattan to observe exhibitions of the famous Graphic Designers known for their comprehensive Illustrations, Graphic Design, Product Design, Architectural Works, and Digital Media representing diversity and inclusion. This Museum is fascinating to seek and learn new information from the Gallery Exhibitions behind the works and original designers representing their happy-ending future based on their ethnicity. One exhibition on the second level, also known as Seeking Home, that is interesting and reflects the Extreme Kids and Crew’s Role was “Praise Frisco: Resurrection by Design” by William Scott. William Scott is a great role model of his works and Neurodivergent Artist Community with a diagnosis of Autism and schizophrenia to help influence them that being a different type of artist is valid.

William Scott, known for his architectural designs, was born in San Francisco, California, in 1964 and lives in Oakland, California. Due to growing up as a minority, His works are known to resurrect San Francisco as part of an inclusive utopia for all diversity to ensure that future generations don’t ever have to deal with conflicting situations such as violence, poverty, and illness and the special need when currently. The center part of his exhibition is William’s Workshop studio for all the mediums and supplies he used for his published works, including his concept sketches, concept cardboard architecture as his three dimensional medium.

Blog Entry 12 # Wrapping up Program Promo Videos for Extreme Kids and Crew Social Media Publication

I came along last week after my one-on-one Meeting with my supervisor to check my progress in Video Editing for Fall Programs to promote Winter Session Sign-ups, including the December Monthly Family Gathering. For future reference, most of the videos my supervisor suggested have Perspectives videos in a vertical orientation for weekly posts via Extreme Kids and Crew’s Instagram, LinkedIn, and Mailchimp. My supervisor was kind enough to discuss her critiques and make any changes to the subtitles, like punctuation and making the subtitles a bit larger. She was delighted and entertained by the non-copyright background music I’ve included for most of the programs and family gathering events. Rock Band promo videos were the only video in which I didn’t include the Background Music due to the songs they played and sang for vocal warmups. My main concern was if the Rock Band videos would be marked as Copyright due to one of the iconic Christmas Songs, Last Christmas by Wham!, they performed in the last seconds.

I shared the non-copyright Google Document list on the shared Google Drive so that the original songwriters can be credited in the description above or below. The most crucial tip for professional ethics discussed in AIGA’s standard and practice resources and Design and Business Handbook was to watch for Copyright Infringement lawsuits.

Blog Post # 11: Roller Skating with the Crew Event!

After the staff meeting on December 3rd in the Conference Room, I volunteer to attend this upcoming December Family Gathering Event at the 4Play skating lounge at 34 35th Street Building #4 near Industry City in Brooklyn, NY, to capture lots of photographs and videos to work on my next promotional video project for 4Play Roller Skating with the Crew! It was a success that the families had a great time roller skating while enjoying some free pizza before the event ended. However, I was enlightened that I captured footage and, with the help of the Extreme Kids and Crew Program Manager, encouraged future parents to come over and bring their children to sign up for more family gathering events or Programs in Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall 2025.

Before the event, I was assigned to design a new ad campaign during November 13’s one-on-one check-in Remote meeting with my supervisor to see my promo video progress coming along with the Perspective, Gaming Crew, and Fall Kitchen Programs to promote Winter Session sign-ups. I was given access to Canva as a benefit from our Our next family gathering event was Roller Skating with the Crew sponsored by 4Play Global to host a Roller Skating Rink for all Neurodivergent Community to come over and have an exciting time to roller skate with their families and enjoy free Pizza and Water for a Holiday Tradition.

After commuting back home, I shared all of the photos and videos from my iPad onto the Extreme Kids and Crew Shared Google Drive and re-downloaded them on my Macbook Air to create a new Project for video editing via Adobe Premiere Pro for another LinkedIn post. Its angle was vertical and had a minute duration. This would take me about two hours total on Saturday and 2 hours to finish the video editing process on Sunday.

Blog Post # 10: Society of Illustrators Webinar

On November 23rd, I attended the Virtual Saturday Stories Featuring Illustrator Chuck Groenink from the Society of Illustrators. Groenink introduced himself and explained how he has been dedicated to becoming an Illustrator for Children’s Books by demonstrating his Illustration Portfolio of Children’s Book Covers since 2008. What’s one recommendation for building a Network Connection Remotely, especially for the Professional Illustrator Chuck Groenink, From the Society of Illustrators himself? Attending Free 2-3 hour Webinars is one way many Interns can move forward in Networking and future Careers Before and after Graduation.

Chuck Groenink shared the screen of his portfolio works and left his portfolio website to search further for his works and Blog Entries about the Future Projects he’s working on. While reading an emotional story with a Happy Ending picture book he illustrated for his Client, Chris Pine, the American actor and Writer of “When Digz the Dog Met Zurl the Squirrel.” I was intrigued by the art style of his illustrations, which used Traditional and Digital Pencil Strokes and shading textures, whether to blend in or add shadows and the Environmental Design for the background. Groenink used his dog Hazel, a Pitbull and Rottweiler Mix, and squirrels outside as references to capture the anatomy of the dogs and squirrels with geometric 2D shapes. He took them in a sketchbook with graphic pencils or graphite charcoal. After sketching traditional media, He transfers his Sketches into a scanner for Higher Quality into Photoshop.

In Conclusion, Attending any Graphic Design/Illustration Webinar is an excellent alternative to attending a remote Conference. It helps you feel inspired, whether by a Professional Illustrator or a Graphic Designer and motivates you to keep on illustrating to improve your work.

Blog Post # 9: AIGA Work Ethics and Context Connections with Extreme Kids and Crew!

Work Ethics play a significant role in any Internship or Job, Especially as Graphic Designers must be professional towards their future clients for the coming business they are working for, whether for companies, organizations, or small freelance businesses. From AIGA’s “Design Business and Ethics, The Professional Association for Design,” composed by Joanne Stone, Stone created a Professional Guidebook for future Graphic Designers to have a better understanding of consistent work ethics, and develop relationships in a team, work for clients, and content that satisfies their audiences while reflecting the company/organization’s mission. Graphic Designs should read this example of the AIGA Book to compromise professionalism, provide consistency and responsibilities, listen carefully, take constructive criticism from clients, and resolve design and economic challenges in the Creative Marketing Field. Also, the way graphic designers advertise the company/organization’s branding to get more audiences to sign up or purchase tickets for networking events.

Work ethics can also reflect on what skills you developed, any improvements you made from time to time, any challenges you’ve faced, how you overcame them, and future considerations during your assigned projects. Interning in the Communications/Marketing field at Extreme Kids and Crew, doing video editing and advertising campaigns, would significantly promote the non-profit organization for its demographic audience: Neurodivergent Communities ages four and up and their supportive families. My first assignment was to create short-form content to promote programs/events for the Extreme Kids and Crew and their sponsors, like Brooklyn Children’s Museum and Center for All Abilities. But there is one thing to look out during video editing process is using copyrighted music part.