In this week’s networking event, I attended an Adobe Max Watch Party in Pearl 117, City Tech Campus. George Garrastegui invited all COMD Students to watch the Adobe Max Sneaks Livestream featuring Guest Speaker Awkwafina, an award-winning actress with the Adobe Reccuring Staff, to discuss the Planned Projects of AI-Generated Features like Supersonic, for example, being added to Adobe Software soon. Project Supersonic is an AI-generated feature that assists you in generating audio design by recording audio, and the bot generates your soundtracks. They also demonstrated the Project Remix a Lot on Illustrator; if you wanted to design your poster about a Halloween Costume Cocktail Party, they include a feature for converting your traditional sketch and digital layout with your text, It generates the Layout by merging and duplicating your poster layout in various size dimension artboards.
One thing that Adobe amazed me on yesterday’s Max Livestream was this new feature, Project Know How. A new Website Extention planned to release in Google Chrome soon, hopefully on other web browsers too like Firefox, allows you to scan a design through your camera on your smartphone, or uploading an image file, or MP4 Video File, It detects the original creator and their App/software they designed in.
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