JR is a French artist who was born in Paris, France, on February 22, 1983, and started his love and Passion towards Art since the beginning of his teenage years with graffiti art. He took one of his photos of his Subway Graffiti Art as a test from one of the Cameras he founded at a Subway Station. That is where his Perception of Street Art started to change into Photography by working on one of his Projects about the Riots that broke out in Banlieue(A Suburb area in Paris) by printing up large prints of the residents in Banlieue in 2004. He owns the most extensive gallery in the world where he exhibits freely in public streets and works in both art and act of commitment, freedom, identity, and limit in both the staff, visitors, and the rest of folks out there. In 2007, the JR plan to work on the largest illegal project was placing huge portraits bypassing two cities from Palestinian and Israeli, where they have separation walls surrounding them. JR’s works become worldwide and have made it into big cities such as Cartagena, Shanghai, and Los Angeles because of how his works stood out for their culture, history, and memory for a particular location.

The Gun Chronicles:
As we enter into the Great Hall on the 1st Floor at Brooklyn Museum Field Trip. The JR Section amuses me of how JR has a strong, passionate love for both the Art and the Social Engagement where people share their valid reasons on why they either agree or disagree on a severe topic JR wanted to talk about, like the Gun Chronicles for an example. This video right here was one of JR’s Projects he commissioned by Time Magazine for its cover on November, 5th 2018, where it visualizes a spectrum of citizens discussing their own opinions about Guns in the United States as one of his serious civil topics. Here we have Shooting Victims, Shooting Victim relatives who lost their loved one from a mass shooting, Emergency Room teams that treat victims of mass shooting events, gun collectors, hunters, law enforcement officials, and gun industry lobbyists, and he discusses one by one on how the Guns affected them on both. JR invites one citizen at a time in his studio, discuss whether Gun laws should be banned or not and then have them make a pose of their arguments and takes a photo of civilians and make a collage for his preview on his main Project by printing photos out and pinning them all together.