On November 5th, I attended my first day with my older sister at the Extreme Kids and Crew office at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum. While trying to calm my mindset, I introduced myself to the Extreme Kids and Crew Staff and the Brooklyn Children’s Museum Security. This wasn’t my first time attending Brooklyn’s Children’s Museum Environment; I volunteered as a Fountain Server during the Felix Awards Ceremony in May 2023 on the rooftop and at the auditorium. But I still ask if there are other locations I should check for essential needs around the Brooklyn Children’s Museum. My first task was to watch both parts of the Volunteer Training Videos and write a paragraph answering the following four questions that stood out to my interest, any information that I wasn’t familiar with, noticed any examples from the videos in any programs I attended, and is there anything to add any helpful training advice or tips for future Volunteers and Interns for the Extreme Kids and Crew? After completing my Volunteer Orientation Training Task, It’s time for my first staff meeting with my attendees to observe the depths of what it’s like to be in an environment.
Because it was election day, two of my Attendees attended via Zoom, and our first Icebreaker Question of the Day was What type of Music Genre are you currently listening to? Icebreakers are communication exercises that effectively help teams get to know each other and feel more comfortable sharing, inspire other committees to develop communication skills, become polite and respectful towards others’ responses, and start meetings entertainingly. Then, we start gathering and communicating our tasks of the day.
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