Can synthetic biology save the planet?

Synthetic biology -What it is and Why it Matters  by Alistair Elfick and Drew Endy (read 1-5)

Can Synthetic Engineering Save the Planet?

On engineering crops … Holding multiple truths simultaneously.

Vandana Shiva: How to decolonize the global economy

Can we engineer crops to withstand climate change?

Harvard Open Bio – Future of Synthetic Biology 2023

(First 30 min)

In class:

1. As a group brainstorm problems we are facing as a society either now or in the near future. We’ll be using Miro. Please copy invite below into your browser.

2. Choose a problem

  • develop an original idea to address the problem
  • Research and evaluate solutions to address the problem

3. Write a brief proposal

  • What problem are you trying to solve?
  • What is a possible approach/solution towards solving the problem?

4. Discuss in class and get the idea approved

Class Challenge:

  • Independently write down your greatest fear about the future’s environment and then under it a value that would combat that fear. 
  • Draw an image of an plant, micro-organism, animal etc.  that embodies the value you just wrote down
  • In small groups – pool the animals and using Image Creator from Microsoft Designe create a “Chimera” that represents a combination of the values you stated.
  • Class Feedback


Subject review: research your project and compile the research that you will be building your research on.