Hello and Welcome!
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Design with purpose and with humans at the center of the process. Here are a few projects that are at the intersection of art and technology:
Graffiti Research Lab: Tempt1, Evan Roth, Chris Sugrue, Zach Lieberman,Theo Watson and James Powderly.
Mine Kafon | Callum Cooper: A short documentary portrait on a designer who has created a low cost solution to landmine clearance.
Design Thinking PDF from Stanford University
Website Analysis and Reverse Engineering
– Find an arts or cultural organization that serves your neighborhood or your borough.
– Check their website.
– Determine the parts, segments or pages of the website and write them down in your sketch book.
– Using your sketchbook, sketch the Site Map of the website.
– Using a vector based application (Illustrator or any other open software) translate your sketched site map to a Digital Site Map.
Write a reading response. Consider how storytelling is connected to Amelia’s culture. How do you define or understand storytelling today? How does your culture use storytelling?
Zoom info:
Topic: Production Practices
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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OpenLab Blog instructions:
- Customize your page with a responsive theme that supports multimedia, an original header, personalized colors, title, and tagline. Your header can be a photograph that you recently took or an image that you have designed. Be aware of the ideal pixel size as you design a header.
- Create an “About Me” page. This should be a simple bio that reflects who you are. You may also include a photograph.
- Create your first post which can simply be a bit of text welcoming us to your site. Feel free to upload a photo etc.