“No one reads reports!”
“PowerPoint must die!”
“Conveying user research findings so people can understand them, believe them, and know how to act on your recommendations can be challenging.”
We’ve all read monotonous reports and struggled to remain awake during boring presentations, but must all deliverables be interminably dull? Conveying user research findings so people can understand them, believe them, and know how to act on your recommendations can be challenging. And providing enough detail without boring your audience is a difficult balance. But there are some best practices in communicating user research findings that can make them more effective—and even entertaining.
Watch this video if you want to improve your presentations.
Aaron Weyenberg is the master of slide decks. Our UX Lead creates Keynote presentations that are both slick and charming—the kind that pull you in and keep you captivated, but in an understated way that helps you focus on what’s actually being said. He does this for his own presentations and for lots of other folks in the office. Yes, his coworkers ask him to design their slides, because he’s just that good.
Invision is an online prototyping tool for apps and websites. They extend a free membership to students. You need the info below to get it.
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You can view a pre-recorded version of our introductory demo. This will help you get up and running fast with InVision. If you are interested in this, just respond to this email, and let me know.
Our powerful new design tool, InVision Studio, is available to you via our early access program. It is free for students and teachers. To get early access, please sign up here with the same email address as your InVision account:
Hello Class,
I just wanted to remind everyone that class starts this Wednesday.