This following assignment I was given during my internship at The H Group is by far one of my favorite projects I’ve worked on. To start off, I was given this task by my supervisor, Jeremy, as he, along with the rest of the H Group, wanted to start advertising Go PowerBike in a wider sense. And what better way to advertise a brand is with brochures?  I took this task willingly, but at the same time, was very skeptical about it, since the only programs I have to work with at my internship is with Photoshop and Illustrator. As most, if not, ALL graphic designers know, most brochures are created via InDesign rather than the two aforementioned programs, so I had that feeling of skepticism going into the project. Luckily, those feelings subsided as I started to work on the project.

Some of the inspiration I gained when I started on the project was two things: One was one flyer originally made to advertised Go PowerBike, which had columns of advertising each bike sold within the brand, and the second was photographic images taken to advertise each, which various examples are shown through the official Go PowerBike Instagram page. Some of those photos are taken place at a beach, so with that in mind, I went into Photoshop, and edited an image of one of the bikes onto another photo of a beach boardwalk:

Go PowerBike on Beach

This particular image would used as a background of the inside of the brochure. From the flyer inspiration, I decided to keep the idea of the columns advertising each bike, but instead of 5 bikes like the original flyer advertised, it would be 3, which are Go Express, Go Speed, and Go City. In between both the background image and text layers would be 3 seperate columns, with two of them being similar to the color used on the electrical in the revamped Go PowerBike logo, and the middle column being black, just to make the color palette within the Go PowerBike brand stand out more.  Underneath the name of the bike is a slogan, just to make it stand out more. After working with Illustrator and making everything click to make everything look organized, here is the final execution:

Go PowerBike Brochure (Inside)

The inside of the Go PowerBike brochure

Note that in the headings where it says “Go Speed/Express/City,” the “Go” was meant to look like the regular Futura font text. But after being looked at by one of my bosses, David, he wanted to get rid of it and replace with the new Go PowerBike logo, and after doing so, it looks a lot better, and is visually striking to the client!

After the inside was completed, it was time to focus on the outside proportion of the brochure. Again, working with Illustrator, I got the gist of making columns within the program and editing everything in. For the outside, I wanted to keep the same colors I used for the inside part, but instead of using one image as the main background, I used three separate images advertising each Go PowerBike on each column, just to make it visually engaging. The right column would be used for the cover, so I added in the logo, address, and another slogan underneath the Go PowerBike logo, the middle column is their social media and website links, and the right column is the eye catching slogan for the client right after opening the brochure, on WHY you should look into the brand. I applied the “Less is More” rule from graphic design when making this, because besides, it would be better to advertise one image with some text in front of it instead of having a WHOLE BUNCH OF IMAGES with the front text. It would make the brand look bad, so I stuck with that principle, and came up with the final result:

Go PowerBike brochure (Outside)

The outside cover of the Go PowerBike brochure

After showing it to Jeremy, it was very well received, and the company would start using it if they wanted to make brochures. Overall, I am very happy with this project, and this taught me a lot of lessons of doing advertising/graphic design work within Illustrator rather than InDesign. It was complicated at first, but after lots of practice, it was very well worth it!