
My prayers and condolences goes out to the families that were affected by the bomb in Boston. While in clinical, I have discovered the tragedy that took place in Boston and happy to see how many people were involved in order to correct the situation. This situation can instill fear into the community and consequently cause the community to miss their daily activities. As nurses, we can encourage the community that we do not have any control over some situations and these situations should not hinder  our ability to continue our daily activities of living. However, we can teach them coping skills so they can conquer any situation that arises.


Clinical is very informative. Not only are we exposed to knowledge by our professor, but, the clinical staff have given us information about the institution as well. One great factor about this profession is that we are continuously learning about the different aspects of nursing. Nursing is a very broad spectrum that is ever changing and evolving into new things. As nurses, we are expected to keep up with everything.


On March 5, 2013, I attended my clinical rotation. First, we watched a film that reflected community health nursing. This film was interesting. Next, we discussed an incident that occurred earlier in the week. This incident included a nurse who refused to give CPR to the patient. This incident raised a lot of questions about the legal aspects of nursing. Next, we learned about the institution and the future plans for this institution. The speakers were very informative. Lastly, students were given the opportunity to view the patients charts so we can work on our assessments.


My first clinical experience was great. My group and I watched a nice module that targeted senior citizens. This module spoke about neurological disorders that are associated with senior citizens. Not only was the module informative, but it was hilarious as well. These disorders included CVA’s, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Next, the professor assigned the clinical group to randomly selected patients so we could began our assessments. We began by reviewing the chart. Then, most of the students observed their client’s behavior as they ate, participated in groups, and danced. Next, the professor oriented us the the responsibilities and legal aspects of nursing which was the most interesting part of the day!

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