Homework (25%): Each week you will be assigned online homework to be completed in WeBWorK.  All problems completed will earn points towards your homework grade.

Participation and Quizzes (15%): 

Participation includes attendance and more: it also means that the you should also: 

• Review all course sections and complete all assignments on a timely basis. 

• Ask questions about the topic and evaluate the topic presentations. 

• Actively and interactively participate in each classroom discussion. 

• Be prepared to present topics and solve problems for the rest of the class. 

Exams (30%): There will be 3 exams during the semester (not including the final).  No makeup exams will be given.  If you miss an exam for a valid reason, your final exam score will take the place of the missing exam.

Final Exam (30%): A final exam is given on the last day of class covering all topics. The final exam must be taken to pass the course. There may be an Oral Interview component of the Final Exam.