Academics-Case Studies

Case 1

Patient is a 35 years old Asian male who has been smoking for 12 years.

Patient has nothing significant in medical history to report. His vital signs were within normal limits 109/74, pulse: 78.

Patient smokes about half pack every day, and showed a bit of interest in tobacco cessation, so I gave him the NYC quit line number.

No premeditations required.


Patient had generalized moderate marginal inflammation from teeth# 6-14 and teeth# 22-27 on the lingual aspects. Patient had generalized heavy stain on the entire dentition, especially, on the lingual aspect. Gingiva appeared pale pink with slight stippling. Patient had probing depth from 1-4mm.Patient had minimal bleeding upon probing.


    The upper picture was before treatment and the lower was after treatment

 Case 2


Patient is a 23 years old Asian female.

Patient has nothing significant in medical history to report. His vital sighn was 109/73, pulse107.

No premeditations required.

No systemic conditions.

ASA typeI


Patient had generalized inflammation on four quadrants. Patient had localized bulbous and redness interdental papilla from #22-25. Patient had moderate staining on lingual aspects from teeth#22-27. Gingiva appeared light red with no stippling and were not adapted to the teeth snugly. Patient had probing depth from 2-5mm. Patient had moderate bleeding upon probing.


Left: before/ Right: after