In last week’s class, discussed the differences between the graphic design agencies and the advertising agencies. Both agencies are similar in terms of performing certain tasks and providing professional services.  They will both propose creative tactics to convey promotional messages and achieve campaign objectives, all depending on the image that the company would like to portray. The big difference between these two creative agencies is that one agency sell the value while the other create the value.

     There is a lot to do in an advertising agency, creating a certain work flow. First, you would need an RFP, which is short for “Request for Proposal” . Once the request is accepted, you would have to make a pitch, or a concept for the idea. A lot of promotional content would have to be created for the product, such as a slogan, a jingle, a graphic look , and some banners. Once it is out there, you would then have to the website updated, billboards designed, and storyboards created for commercials. There would even be a third party that would help promote the product even further. For example, you would have the product sponsor a television program. The main goal of the advertising agency is to sell the value.

     In a graphic design agency, on the other hand, you create that value. This agency takes on smaller projects. These small projects would consist of logos, layouts, and other designs. Normal business hours are 10:00 A.M to 6:00m P.M or 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M depending on the company. An individual applying to work for a graphic design agency would need a portfolio. Of course, you would need a portfolio for both the graphic design agency and advertising agency, but a portfolio is especially crucial for the graphic design agency because design is a big deal and the main idea for this agency. So if you are applying for a graphic design agency, you need to have a portfolio with you to show all that you have done so far.

     Most people would say that the advertising agency is the biggest of the two agencies, but I would have to disagree. I believe that both the advertising agency and the graphic design agency are equally big and powerful. The graphic design agencies has helped with some big companies as well. For example, HRO Design Inc., a medium sized graphic design agency, has created visual contents for some of the biggest clients, such as Hasbro, Marvel, and Disney. So, a graphic design agency is just as big as the advertising agency.

     In terms of which one of the agencies I would personally like to work for, I would want to join a graphic design agency. I like the idea of working on smaller projects because I like to know what it is I am working with. Not to mention that I have one some personal small projects myself. I have designed some logos for small businesses and special occasions. For instance, I worked on a logo for a personal family reunion and another for a bakery. I also created a logo for a club. With all of this, I have some experience for me to work in a graphic design agency. Therefore, a graphic design agency would be a better option for me.