Monday 11 December class

New topic: polar form of complex numbers, and multiplying and diving complex numbers in polar form and then changing back into standard form a+bi.

An improved version of the notes I handed out in class can be found here:


Here are some videos from PatrickJMT that may be helpful:

Multiplying and dividing in polar form

Converting from polar form to standard a+bi form



• Do the homework on vectors from last time, if you have not already done it.

• Study the examples I gave in the notes (and view the videos if you find them helpful).

• Do the following problems in the textbook (which include the problems I put on the board for you to do in class): Exercises 21.5(c, d); 21.6(a, b, c); and 21.7(a, b)

• If you want to get a jump ahead on the new topics we will discuss next time, I intend to make use of this web resource on the binomial theorem (from MathBits) which explains very succinctly how to do what we have to do, using your calculator. Please make sure to bring your calculator with you on Wednesday in any case!

• Please look at the Final Exam Review problems and choose some that you will want to solve for us, as time permits. Probably we will not have time to do them all, so I will concentrate on certain topics in class. Any of these problems that are not solved in class will be posted to Piazza as questions and you may post your solutions there.

My plan is to post video and other links for each type of problem on the Final Exam Review. Problems we will certainly discuss on Wednesday are #4, 8, and 9. Here is the information I posted last time: I will ask for volunteers for at least some parts of these.

Review links related to problem 4: please read or view these even if you think you don’t need to! Difference quotients from PatrickJMT: Example 1 Example 2

For #8, see the review self-tests for Test 4 as well as the Test 4 solutions and Example 14.3 in the textbook – make sure that you are using the properties of logarithms!

For #9, see this post

Other links posted soon!


Don’t forget, if you get stuck on a problem, you can post a question on Piazza. Make sure to give your question a good subject line and tell us the problem itself – we need this information in order to answer your question. And please only put one problem per posted question!


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