Apologies for the late post!
• Functions defined by formulas and function notation
• Finding domains for four different types of functions (see the MAT1375-FunctionsByFormulas-slideshow)
• Finding a difference quotient step-by-step: see example 3.2(i-l)
Important: is not the same thing as
. This is a common source of errors!
means that you input
everywhere in place of
in the formula for f.
means that you take
and add
to the output.
These distinctions will be important when we discuss transformations of function later in the course, also!
• Review finding the domains of the four types of functions we have discussed so far, and also finding the difference quotient.
• Do the WeBWorK: I have delayed the due date until Tuesday because of the lateness of this post.
• Also make sure that you have done everything listed in the first day post
and in the post from last time.
It is especially important that you make sure that your City Tech email address is entered in the User information in WeBWorK.
• There will be a quiz at the start of class next time. Be on time! It will be on solving absolute value inequalities by the test point method: see the post from last time for a video. It will also include problems like those from Section 2.2, on the concept of a function and function notation.
Don’t forget, if you get stuck on a problem, you can post a question on Piazza. Make sure to give your question a good subject line and tell us the problem itself – we need this information in order to answer your question.
Here is my slideshow on how to use Piazza to best effect: MAT1375:1575-UsingPiazza-slideshow