Monday 17 September class


In case you prefer to view videos on any of these topics, Here is a copy of the Course Outline with links to video resources for each topic.

• Roots and Radicals – there are two WeBWorK assignments on this topic, named  “Higher Roots” and “Higher Roots Algebraic”

• Rational Exponents

Here are a complete set of notes on exponents and their properties, which contain everything we have discussed so far and also notes on the definition of fractional (rational) exponents:



• Study the examples discussed in class: make sure that you understand the notation and vocabulary that is being used.

• Make sure that you have signed into WeBWorK (and do the assignments) and that you have joined the Piazza discussion group. I am directing Piazza to re-send the invitation to those students who have not yet activated their Piazza accounts.

• You may join OpenLab and join this course on OpenLab if you wish. It is not required: you can read this blog without joining. But membership has its benefits!

• Make sure to check this OpenLab site for homework which is being set up to post automatically after every class from now on, and I may even post notes for upcoming classes so you could print them out and bring to class!


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