What’s where these days

Here are notes and handouts plus a slideshow from the classes on Thursday 5 December and Monday 9 December. Please read! There is a clarification about some WeBWorK problems there. I have also updated it with two nice videos from Patrick’s Just Math Tutorials showing how to easily recall the important points in the unit circle.

Here is a reminder about your homework for tomorrow which  is not in WeBWorK.

Here is a post that links the department’s final exam review sheet.

Right about now would be a good time to review my course policies.

If you want to use Desmos as I did in class, here is the webpage. There is also an app which works very well. See the desmos.com homepage for links. Also see below!

Here is a page with some fun and informative stuff that you can enjoy reading or viewing (I hope) – including some pretty amazing graphs made using Desmos.

Here is a page with Quiz solutions (some missing)

Here is a page with Test solutions

Here is a page with links to the tutoring schedules and also other resources

Course materials including the textbook are here


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