Course Information

Course Number: COMD1127

Course Title: Type and Media

Course Description: The foundations of typography, with an emphasis on using type for multiple industry-related applications ranging from print to interactive media. Includes an overview of the terminology and principles of type design.

Credits / Hours: 1 cl hr, 5 lab hrs, 3 cr

Section Number: D037

Pre/Co-requisites: none; Equivalent to old course ADV 1160 or ADV 1161 or COMD 1167

Class Meetings

  • This is an in-person course
  • Wednesdays and Fridays, 8:30 – 11:00 AM
  • Location: Pearl 112, City Tech Campus

Faculty Information

Professor(s) Name: Deepa Shanbhag (She/Her)

Online Office Hours/Information: Wednesdays, 11AM – 12PM, Pearl 114

Contact Information:

Course Objectives

Instructional Outcomes /Assessments

For the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:Evaluation methods and criteria:
Define and describe five families of type and their visual characteristics (Old Style, Transitional, Modern, Egyptian, San Serif). Define and describe other categories of type families such as display and novelty fonts.Students will demonstrate competency through written test and selection of typefaces for assignments
Define and describe critical components of type anatomy (baseline, meanline, capline, serifs, ascender, descenders, counters, others), and variations of type structure (bold, italic, condensed, extended)Students will demonstrate competency through written test and selection of typefaces for assignments.
Utilize typographic grid components (trim size, margins, and columns, gutter) and assemble a grid using specific software.Students will demonstrate competency through written test and preparations of class projects using InDesign.
Utilize variation in type alignment (FL/RR, FR/RL, Centered, Justified, Force Justified).Students will demonstrate competency through written test and performance of assignment specifically dealing with this topic.
Design with space around type, and how it affects legibility (leading, kerning, tracking).Students will demonstrate competency through written test and performance of assignment specifically dealing with this topic.
Understand and utilize terminology and procedures for Adobe InDesign and create and edit elements of a document according to specifications.Students will demonstrate practical skills in to preparing page layouts.

General Education Outcomes

General Education Outcome covered:How the outcome is covered:
Thinking Critically
Think critically to evaluate evidence and the perspectives of others before accepting or formulating an opinion.
Students will develop their critical thinking by participating in class critiques, applying standards learned in class to their own work and that of classmates
Social Interaction
The student will demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics.
Students will learn about professional ethics through discussion in class.
Lifelong Learning
The student will demonstrate an awareness of resources for continued lifelong learning.
Students will be directed towards resources and techniques of research they can use as references throughout their careers
Information Literacy      
Research and evaluate information sources.
Students will develop familiarity with professional resources and be expected to learn from them in a relevant fashion.

Teaching/Learning Methods

  • Lectures
  • Participation Activities
  • Demonstrations
  • Assignments and tests

Class Etiquette

  • Cell phones must be turned off during class.
  • No airpods/headphones/games/web browsing/email checking/text messaging/social media, sleeping, etc
  • ABSOLUTELY no food or drinks inside classroom.

Attendance (College) and Lateness (Department) Policies:

The COMD BFA and AAS degrees are design studio programs. In-class laboratory activities and engagement with other students is a significant portion of the courses. Absences more than 10% of the total class hours may result in a 10% drop in a  grade due to an inability to meet the deliverables of participation. This may be in addition to other penalties that will be imposed for failure to complete in-class academic requirements. Missing more than 25% of total class meetings will not be permitted. Any two ‘lates’ (15 minutes or more) will be equal to 1 absence.

Class starts promptly at 8:30 AM. Please email me if you run into a personal matter or other concern.

Academic Integrity Standards

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting and citation of sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the college recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension and expulsion. More information about the College’s policy on Academic Integrity may be found in the College Catalog.


  • 60% – Main projects and their presentations
  • 20% – Tests
  • 20% – Weekly assignments/Participation/Journal

Course Activities

  • Projects – Three main projects supported by homework assignments
    • Project 1The Type Book
    • Project 2: Expressive Type
    • Project 3The Posters
  • Homework Assignments –  Various. These are stand alone assignments or assignment that support larger project.
  • Participation Activities Can Include:
    • Type Challenges – Design assignments and discussions completed with time constraints during class or as specified.
    • Type Talk Discussions – Discussion, comments, critiques, opinions on type throughout the semester
    • Found Alphabet Typography Discussions – Image posts of alphabet letters, numbers 1-9, 0
    • Type Scavenger Hunt Activities – Students will look for various typographic topics principles, techniques, and discuss observations
    • Type Hero – Students will create a 5 minute presentation to an assigned designer

Course Resources

  • Readings and Library Resources
  • Links to resources, writing center, tutoring

Materials /Supplies

  • Computer with internet access and Adobe CC.
  • Cloud storage and Flash drive (any storage for your files)
  • Sketchbook for notes, ideas, process / pencils
  • Approximately $40 misc expenses (cloud, printing, art materials, etc)

Student Work Samples

Instructor reserves the right to keep reproductions of student work samples to feature on their professional website, as part of their teaching portfolio, and to illustrate points for future classes.

PDF Version of Syllabus