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do androids dream of tom waits an nick cave

Keeping on the other media (other than books )I want to talk about music ore well two musicians nick cave and tom waits they are awesome check them out now but I would like to point out that there writhing lyrically can be considered noir influence especially tom waits his old songs always had a sad jazzy sound with an even sadder story for example Burma shave still to this day I can’t listen to that song without wanting to curl up In a ball and cry like a baby his songs always have a tragic protagonist may it be about a prostitute talking about her life ore a man trying to reconnect with the one that got away stories that feel like they belong in a movie but they still carry that impact of emotions life you feel the dirty undertone of the world that he wants to talk about and it feel like it belongs in a noir universe

Burma shave

nick cave and I will be honest this man is sick and I love him for it his story for me fallow a noir feel not all of them but a lot of them telling stories murder and there is never a good adult in his story un like tom waits everyone is a dirt bag from men killing women Sodomises a guy after ore a women more or less doing the same thing to a guy ore same guy his music is not like tom but they still carry feeling in his case is more loud and bombastic and I would not want to see them in film myself but he has his noir feel as well how he develops the characters and the temptations of the characters and evil things they do and say check him out if you are brave enough to do so

Where the Wild Roses Grow

I have been waiting to do this for some time don’t ask me why it took me so long and I don’t know if anyone is going to even read this but if you do I am soooo sorry for my spelling and grammar and thank you

do androids dream of mass effect

I want to talk about two things and I know it’s the end of the semester but I have wanted to talk about noir in other media other than books and do androids dream of electric sheep

It’s been hard for me to read Philip K. Dick writing I can see the man has so much to say but my god man it was easier for me to get in to hp lovecraft writing and that guys make up words ore places words that don’t belong in the sentence (I know pot call the kettle black) but still Philip K. his ideas where good an I mean really good but it’s really been a pain to get in to the book without some general help from the internet and I can see why the film is loosely based on the book I think a literal adaptation of this book will hurt everyone involved.

On the topic of other media and noir so I was playing a game called mass affect 2 electric boogaloo there was something I was seeing when I up the contras in the game making look darker and I saw that in the cinematography of this game its very much done like a noir film with using a lot of shadows on characters and with your character you can see glowing light of his/her scars in the skin and that emphasize how evil your character is in game the dialogs is nothing like a noir film in fact it’s very much an epic speculative fiction story but if you ever take the time and play the first game and the second right after there a big contras emotion the first one left you with hope the second one dredging what was to come I love the game and if you like speculative fiction and  RPGs I would say check it out.

Links to images of male Shepard and female Shepard


1984 was a book that showed how much a government (in the book known as the party), and what they can do to a victim. Winston Smith is a man working a job to erase and rewrite history the way the party thinks it should go. He lives in a world where the mere though of creativity or new ideas is strictly forbidden and punishable by death, or work 25 years in a labor camp. Yet he kept a diary and made entries, which is again, illegal. This is a man that seems to want a rebellion, but doesn’t want to be the one to start it. Even to the point where he starts to believe that O’Brien, his supervisor (higher ranking in the party), is part of the rebellion, Brotherhood. He also later on falls in love with a woman named Julia and have a relationship, which once again, is illegal.

Eventually, O’brien “admits” that he is part of the Brotherhood to Winston and even gives him a book to read on it. As Winston and Julia stay in their apartment later, the thought police come in and capture them both. Winston is in his cell, where they torture him physically and mentally by O’brien himself. At one point, O’brien sets up a torture device which is to release rats onto Winston. However, before the torture even starts, Winston yells out that he wants the torture to happen to Julia instead. That’s when O’brien knew that his work was done, because Winston was now broken.


Brazil is a film that makes your jaw drop at the end. Sam Lowry started out as a person working for the government. He also often dreams about flying free, trying to save a woman of his dreams from getting captured. Sam is sent out to fix an error made by the government which caused an innocent man, Harry Buttle, to be accused as a terrorist and to be killed. This terrorist, Harry Tuttlem, now roams free doing more terrorist activities throughout the film. Sam, however, found the woman in his dreams (Jill) and starts digging information about her to the point where he accepts a new job position for “information retrieval” to access information on her.

In the process, this caused a lot of trouble, especially mistrust of his friend Jack (a surgeon of some sort). Towards the end, as Sam and Jill finally run away together, are caught at gunpoint. Sam is later restrained in a chair and visited by Jack, his friend, who is the one who will perform the torture. As he starts, Harry comes in and saves him, and events start happening that can only happen in a dream. In the final part of his dream, Sam and Jill run away together in a clear green land and quickly the camera cuts to Sam still strapped in the chair with the look of his mind being lost. One of the most eye opening camera cut away,

The Set-Up

This film was a bit strange in the beginning and understandable towards the end. The reason I say this is because you don’t really see anything noir about the film until the very end. Stoker Thompson, the protagonist of the film, is a boxer who is known for losing his matches. This gave his manager the idea to bet on him losing. Little Boy, a gangster, was also offering for Stoker to take a dive, so his plan worked out great, except for that fact that the manager never told Stoker.

As the match goes on, Stoker seems to start losing against his opponent, but ends up grabbing on to the courage to win the fight. Not only that, but his manager became scared that he ends up telling Stoker about the deal, but Stoker refuses to fall and ends up winning the fight. Although he wins the fight, he ends up getting beaten up by Little Boy’s associates (including Stoker’s opponent), and has his hand broken. Usually in noir films, it shows you the crime done and the case afterwards, this film to another direction where it slowly progressed into a dark noir film.

Asphalt Jungle

Asphalt Jungle is one of those films that involves a trigger or mistake that causes everything else to tumble over. Erwin Riedenschneider hires three men, specifically with individual capabilities such as an expert opening a safe, a driver, and a hooligan. Erwin had asked Alonzo Emmerich (a rich lawyer) for money to pay the three men for their service, and he agreed. The plan was to rob a store with expensive jewels. As the story moves forward, things start to unravel itself. When the crime is almost done, the explosion used to open the safe seems to have set off the alarm. This causes the police to scatter and search, and in the process Louie, the safecracker, gets hit by a bullet and later dies.

It’s revealed later on, that Alonzo never had the money in the first place, in fact that he owes money. So he ends up planning a double cross which involves leaving the stolen jewels with Alonzo, but Erwin and the hooligan, Dix, oversee the double cross, and while Dix shoots the detective working alongside Alonzo, he himself gets wounded. At the end, Gus, the driver gets arrested, Alonzo kills himself when the police visit him at home, and Louie dies. Erwin eventually gets caught by the police, and Dix reaches his homeland, where he collapses and I assume he dies.

A miscalculation the explosion caused the alarm to set off, and from there after, it was a chain of events that happened. If the plan had went well, I’m sure they would’ve gotten away with it, but then again, there was still the double cross.

did i say how much i really love this film

I love blade runner a smart movie that was way before its time I love this film so much. You can look up blade runner in Google and you will get an overload of information the book and what it’s about to art from the film fan art and fan recreations did I say how much I live this film I want to talk about the ending of the film when Roy starts hunting Deckard like an animal starts going at him you can see the idea that he has nothing else to live fore he has been strip of whatever he had left of his humanity and when he has Deckard hanging that yeah he can let him go but why not show him mercy you can see that he was not to but that moment of clarity is shown that he can be better than humans that humanity has lost his way and empathy can still exist even when it’s not programed in to it.

On a side note Deckard is so a replicate hell you can see it in his boss the guy feels uncomfortable being around him like he has dealt with many different versions of him and that could be it if the Deckard we see in the movie is not the first one could that be part of why he hates his job and hates his life and doesn’t what to do it a part of him if he did do the voight-kampff knows that he has done this before and the word voight-kampff very German in a way but that just something else did I say how much I love this film.

my sister my daughter my sister my daughter my god

Chinatown is a full one destruction of the detective and the American values the film represents the time not of the 1940s but the 70s and how the ideals of the past have fallen apart we don’t see the world as we were sold back in the day family is not like it was and Americais not the happiest place on earth I think if you like at J.J as America he can be a reflection of the world today  how America is used as a tool by corporate America to get what they want J,J was used to fallow Hollis I. Mulwray to discredit him and make him look like bad man ever do he was for cheating on his wife but she was no better cheating one her husband the fill is a true classic the ending is shocking and sad it makes you think about the world we live

Aquarela do Brasil

Brazil is a very light take on 1984 making feel like a fantasy  dystopian future more than a heavy dark one you can see how the director was heavily inspired by films like black and white noir of the time even calling back to some films that Humphrey Bogart but I think the film has this quirky view of that world how the some of the people of the top don’t really know what they are doing they are just doing the work because they have to  and that’s really all they know with funny moments you used to show how sad the world is and how dark it can really be I can see the noir elements in the film but I can’t considerate  one but in the end its is still classic of our time and need to be studied more.


this book is a great comparative example to the movie Brazil, because of the way the government is always out spying on you. with the police force in the book and in the film Brazil, there is no where to hide from the government as your movement is always being watch. To go against the government mean that you will disappear from the earth. doing anything that is not right will have consequences as cameras is a tool the government used to spy on you.

like any other film noir. in the book 1984. the protagonist falls for a femme fatales like the protagonist in Brazil. yet its always the femme filale that makes the men do crazy things. the protagonist in 1984 and Brazil went against the government just so they could fulfilled their desire in trying to find out more on their femme fatales.