The Set Up

When i was introduced to the film The Set up i expected this basic Noir film with some mystery and wonder, but The Set Up did something beyond your basic Noir. It was able to portray this feeling of Action pack Mystery and deliver an all around effective film. The character Stoker Thompson is a middle aged boxer who from the film states been on a losing streak and was way pasted his limit already. The director used camera aiming to a great advantage and dialog between the characters to give off that dark feeling of Noir. For Example when Stoker first enters the area the crowd is roaring and yelling for the current fighter to destroy one another, switch from groups of people to a close up on individuals. The noise in that scene allow creates this feeling, that seems to make Stoker see everything in a different perspective, and overall gave us a feeling of what it would be like in that scene, sitting in the stand with those people.

Not only does the camera play an important role, but the characters the movie seems to circle around in the fight scene between stoker and Little Boy. There’s the silent couple, the fat guy who eats everything, the family of little boy, managers, the blind man, the women who loves fights and the guy multitasking with the radio. I find a lot of these characters very interesting and there role in the movie is even more interesting. The gentlemen with the radio, i feel if you listen to the radio while the fight is going on its almost describing the fight, but in different terms and the women who loves fighting, is on any ones side as long as they keep the fight going. But more importantly what each of these characters say give off the sense of Noir, for example, “Make him fight” the women who loves fighting, “Close his eye” from the blind man. Just very powerful lines that increases tension in the moment of fighting.

Lastly is the actually only true scene of the film when stoker is about to get beaten. The cornering of him when he was at that gate the shadows approaching him and once he started getting beaten the camera turns to the shadow of the drumming banging the drums. The beating starts to pick up and gets louder almost resembling the beating and yelling he would be doing. Overall a get scene and Noir film.

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