Murder My Sweet…

Murder My Sweet is a Noir film circled around another private eye named Philip Marlowe, who encounters a case about this Jade necklace little did he know it was all a set up job, and not a pretty one to be involved in. In his words he’s going to be stepping into a “Black Pool”. I really enjoyed the cunning personality bought by Mr. Marlowe and his sense of humor as well, reminded me of Samuel Spade for The Maltese Falcon. Both character swing side to side on how they play the game, and who there’re playing it for. The characters are strong in will and know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to getting information. Of course both men ended up having the obstacle known that the femme fatale, but both over came them and executed justice.

Throughout the film Marlowe brings up this expression of a “black pool” he steps into whenever he gets knockout. To seems to me this black pool is almost like a dream he enters, or rather nightmare because when is entered into the psych ward we seem to envision what exactly happens during that time.I thought it was an interesting moment to included in the film, almost like he replays the moments were tension and fear are the highest for details. Still one thing i did enjoy more from this film rather then other Noir films we’ve seen in class is the fact there are not open questions. The case is closed and everyone gets there final justice, the hero remains alive and ends up reliving true feelings towards the end of the film for Mr. Grayle’s daughter and ends up with her as well. All in all i thought it was a great film and it was nice to revisit the characteristics of Samuel Spade.

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