The Maltese Falcon is one of the first ever Black and White films i may have ever seen. Truth be told, it was a great film. The film introduces what seems to be two protagonists in the beginning of the film, detectives, Samuel Spade and Miles Archer. The story of betrayal begins when a women enters their offices and gives them a case, leading to the death of his partner and she is later revealed to be key element in the film and shows off the most secrecy in character in my opinion.
We circle around the main character of the film Samuel Spade the detective, who is very hard to pin point in the film. The character is very good at what he does and is a strong, and smart minded man. In a few words, “He knows how to play the game.” When it comes to the female character who was introduced in the beginning Brigid, their relationship is just as confusion as her mind, and trust. She gives of this persona of a very sweet, well mannered women, almost a damsel in distress. Still Spade is able to see right through her and plays her just as well. There is also a very comical feeling when ever the character of Gutman’s right hand man, the low leveled gun man compared to Spade. Through out the film he is easily out smarted by Spade at every corner and pokes at his short tempered mind at every given opportunity. Then there are the policemen who seem to want to convict Spade for the death of his partner, Spade easily due to experiences seems to know how to juggle them around so there not in the way of this investigation.
The Noir film of The Maltese Falcon is a great film and i would 100% recommend it to others. I enjoy the characters and all the diverse personalities each gave to the audience. It was truly a wonderful story of betrayal from every character, and always kept you thinking on who is telling the truth. The story line played well, and there wasn’t a scene where i wanted it to pass. All and all this was a great film to begin with hope the rest are just as great.