Cloning and Stem Cells

There are two to make copies of cell and organism the first and most controversialĀ is cloning and that is known as somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this process you take the cell you want to clone and Ā attach with egg and send an electric charge through the unit. This electric charge damages the membrane between the two in the nucleus of the cell clone dumps into that empty egg Ā and then after you add some chemical to the full unit and thinking its fertilized. Its starts providing with some action known as primplant Ā action embryo. After you can do one of two thing either you can place in petris dish where you can turn into embryonic stem cell. Which is the master cells of the body. After that it can turn in every cell type. And then the other alternative that you can place into surrogate animal to create an entire organism. There is another process called cell programming Ā and it leads to induced pluripotent stem cell. In this you start with semetic cell or piece of skin and you add some transcription factors and bring that differenciate cell back to the stage it was before very much like embryonic cell. And there are some new tenhnologine that turn whole cell into a new organism.

Argument Ā ( why i think human should not be cloned )

Should humans be cloned?

Physicians from the American Medical Association and scientists with the American Association for the Advancement of Science have issued formal public statements advising against human reproductive cloning. The U.S. Congress has considered the passage of legislation that could ban human cloning. See theĀ Policy and LegislationĀ links below.

Due to the inefficiency of animal cloning (only about 1 or 2 viable offspring for every 100 experiments) and the lack of understanding about reproductive cloning, many scientists and physicians strongly believe that it would be unethical to attempt to clone humans. Not only do most attempts to clone mammals fail, about 30% of clones born alive are affected with “large-offspring syndrome” and other debilitating conditions. Several cloned animals have died prematurely from infections and other complications. The same problems would be expected in human cloning. In addition, scientists do not know how cloning could impact mental development. While factors such as intellect and mood may not be as important for a cow or a mouse, they are crucial for the development of healthy humans. With so many unknowns concerning reproductive cloning, the attempt to clone humans at this time is considered potentially dangerous and ethically irresponsible. See theĀ Cloning EthicsĀ links below for more information about the human cloning debate.


  • -It has high failure rate
  • -Its against nature
  • -Its against my religion
  • -We don’t know the result/aftermath of what it could cause
  • -It may make the cycle of nature unstable

by Omar Hussain