Tynesha Frazier

Characterized by greatness to the extent that it is intense All forms together as one, colors fused, its depth is realized Untouched by discernment, deficient in the evidence needed to convict its existence It persists ... continues to move the immobilized In this piece.... What do you see?

It Will Last

I didn’t want to believe it
I didn’t want to know the truth
Been running for so long … In a blink of an eye … I was drawn, so I held onto you
Maybe, it wasn’t meant to be At first, it was just a phase We are centuries apart But .. to me … our weeks are like days I won’t deny missing you I can’t say you feel the same But if … we … are so far gone for unity Why do you … continue … to run back this way With the opportunity missed … The moment passed Nothing worth it … is EVER … simple So this … whatever this is here … will persist IT WILL LAST…!!!!!!!

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