Thoughts Walking Down the Aisle (A Reflection)
In times unforgiving, the greatness of this moment hits me. The reaction on my loved ones faces is unmistakable; they are proud. As I walk, I think of my initial ambitions and decisions made throughout my time in school. My reasons for starting this journey are personal and unique to me. The feelings that I have at this very moment are hard to articulate without getting misty eyed. All my senses are triggered by excitement. Initially, the relief hit me that on this very day I no longer need to be in school. In that very moment I realized I was going to miss the same thing I felt relief over. These hallways, the early classes, the professors, especially the ones that really cared, the group projects, that annoying student who knew everything better than the teacher, the one who would ask a dozen questions and still get it wrong, the prankster, the jokester, the buddy that always made time for you, the different clubs you were involved in, the events attended, the good times we had. I’ll miss it but it’d time to grow into the person I imagined of myself when I started the journey.