Victor Green

Chaos & Order

Ace in One

Within These Walls

Within these walls,
the truth of the truth
is never the truth.

Within these walls,
I walk, with my hands in my pocket,
in the middle of who I am
and who I am going to be.

Within these walls,
I watch the intangible of peace and chaos
together create a never ending dance
that forever sculptures a new world daily.

Within these walls,
I watch the complexity of life form a single word: survival.
Even if one of them comes from the depth from nowhere,
Everything must and will always change.

Within these walls,
I see them flow from me.
No longer than a drop of my blood, yet
Holds the weight of a monsoon

Within these walls,
No person tastes the reality of what must be.
No person smells the ideas that I crave.
No person sees the possible of the impossible.
No person hears the imaginary breathe the same air as me.
No person touches the pain that I feel
Most importantly, Within these walls,
I can be anything I want to be.


Is the flow of her blackened
Color hair; mystifying

Is the curvature of her body smooth
And priceless as the feel of a gold brick

Are her eyes
That entices vast bodies of water
To watch their own reflection in man

Are the auroras of light that she
Walks in, shines
Under, and flies
Through and above.

Is her being,
Defiant until the end;
A sweet bliss to the greatest of sagas.

Is her smile.
Holding the weight of 20t thousand
Nuclear bombs set off at once;
A sight no person will live past.

Is she.
Imprinted in my mind,
Until the end of space and time.

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