As a geotechnical engineer your involvement will begin during the subsurface investigation and continue through the design of foundations. As your final project you will work in groups of 3; groups will be chosen by the Professor.
As a group decide on a proposed construction project and pick an arbitrary site in one of the 5 boroughs. Research the site using websites such as google maps and oasis to determine the site area and any nearby subways or waterways. Develop a subsurface investigation for the site.
Each group member will be responsible for testing a different soil sample. Develop an imaginary soil profile consisting of your members soil samples. Design an adequate foundation for your proposed construction.
Learning Outcome
- Work with teams of diverse composition;
- Demonstrate an ability to recognize and interpret multiple forms of evidence;
- Attain competency in the gathering and critical analysis of information by researching primary and secondary sources.
- Make observations, understand the fundamental elements of experiment design, generate and analyze data using appropriate quantitative tools.
General Education Competencies
- Show curiosity and the desire to learn;
- Acquire tools for lifelong learning;
- Communicate in diverse settings using written, oral, and visual means;
- Derive meaning from experience, as well as gather information from observation;
- Employ scientific reasoning and logical thinking;
- Gather, interpret, evaluate, and apply information from a variety of sources;
- Demonstrate intellectual honesty and personal responsibility;
- Transform information into knowledge, and knowledge into judgment and action;
Each group must submit the following:
- Final report
- Site History
- Proposed Construction
- Relevant Maps
- Laboratory Test Data
- Summary of Subsurface Conditions
- Recommendation for Foundations
- Powerpoint Presentation – 5 min
- Summarize Final Report
Grading Criteria
Project is 20% of Final Grade
- Report – 16 pts
- Site History (3pts)
- Proposed Construction(2pts)
- Relevant Maps(2pts)
- Laboratory Test Data(3pts)
- Summary of Subsurface Conditions(3pts)
- Recommendation for Foundations(3pts)
- Powerpoint Presentation – 4 pts
- Time (1pt)
- Quality of Slides (1pt)
- Subject knowledge (1pt)
- Group Participation (1pt)
I really like how clearly you have specified your grading criteria! Where do the students get their soil? Do they need a lot of it for this assignment?