Professor Seccafico | E357 | Fall 2024

Category: Course Activities (Page 1 of 6)

Introducing Andriy Gura

Hi, my name is Andriy and I just started majoring in Computer Systems at CityTech. I wish to work in AI in the future, as I used to work in a big IT company developing AI systems in Ukraine. Also, I have a master’s degree in medicine in Ukraine. My hobby is aircraft – I love to learn about aircraft, their constructions, engines, and piloting. I’m good at programming, I like to write something in Java. Unfortunately, I’m not good at concentrating on one thing, but I fight with this and sometimes with success (-_-!). There is nothing special or interesting in me, I’m just a regular 26 y.o. Ukrainian guy came here because of the war, but I plan to go back after the war to restore my Homeland (Ė¶įµ” įµ• įµ”Ė¶). My favorite book is “Eneyida” (“Š•Š½ŠµŃ—Š“Š°”) by Ukrainian writer Ivan Kotlyarevskyi (not Virgil’s “Eneida”). My favorite animal is my cousin’s dog Budy – he is my little bundle of joy ā¤.

Introducing Marilyn.

My name is Marilyn, I use she/her. Iā€™m currently in the liberal arts major however I plan to switch into biomedical informatics when I can. I always had a preference for science classes but last year I took a bio class in my senior year. It was the funnest I ever had in a class. My next math class will be 1475 (calculus). After graduation I hope to have a job in the field. Besides being bad at math, Iā€™m also pretty bad at writing. Random, kind of interesting fact, I really enjoy listing to vkei when I do my homework. I like vkei, K-pop, and alternative rock. Those just really help me concentrate. I like to spend my time watching series with my friends or just gaming with them. Thatā€™s my boring fact. I donā€™t like to read so I have no favorite book but that doesnā€™t stop me from buying them. I usually buy manga. My favorite animal has to be either a bear or a shark. I like collecting items of those two. I do have two dogs, both very ugly so no picture. One of them is a dachshund and his name Pancho/Panko and the other is a girl. We arenā€™t sure what she is, but her name is Minji.Ā 

Introducing Redwan Ahamed

My name is Redwan Ahamed, and Iā€™m in my second year at City Tech, studying Computer Engineering. I chose this major because my friends suggested it. After finishing this course, I plan to take Calculus I to prepare for the future. When I graduate, I hope to find a job and build up my resume. Iā€™m really good at sleeping and not so great at doing homework. An interesting fact about me is that I can sleep anywhere and anytime. I donā€™t read books much because I spend most of my time sleeping. My favorite animal is a dog.

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