Professor Seccafico | E357 | Fall 2024

Introducing Emely

Hi, my name is Emely. My major here in City tech is in Dental Hygiene and the way I got interested into this major is kinda ridiculous but I once saw a Mr.Bean cartoon episode where he went to the dentist to fix his broken tooth. Ever since I saw that episode I never stopped thinking about how cool all the equipment is to use when taking care of a patient. A long term I have after I graduate from City Tech is to finally become a full on Dentist as my career and hopefully have my own dental office. Besides just having major interest into dental things, something I’m really good at is baking and cooking. I recently graduated from a cooking based high school and I just have the natural urge to just bake fun yummy things, not just some basic cookies or cakes. Something else I like to say I’m good at is math, math is my favorite subject but when it comes to literature, that’s the thing I’m bad at even even if I try to get better at it, just doesn’t work for me.

1 Comment

  1. Deborah

    I love to bake too. I try to make all different types of vegan snacks, food, candy and whatever I can think of for my family. Once it pops in my head I already trying to put some time aside so I can create.

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