Big Ideas Welcome Here

Agenda for our Meeting on Wed 9:00AM

Agenda: 9:00AM Greet everyone in Chat. Attendance. Music.

To Do: 5-minute exercise, writing in real time with a prompt.

Moment of Silence honoring those who have passed away

Circle Time comments and discussion.

Guest Visit: Guest Speaker, Prof. Suzanne Miller, head of the NYCCT Writing Center, will tell us about how the Center is working during this time and how it can support you.

Brief Q+A.

Professor’s lecture. Theme:

What are the tools we can use to make objects speak? (A few of the Prof.’s favorite hacks will be divulged here.)

UNIT III GoogleDocs discussion. Next Steps for taking UNIT III into UNIT IV.



Link and password to the meeting, very graciously sponsored by Daniel T., below:

Meeting ID: 822-1994-0894
Password: cherish

1 Comment

  1. Brianna Edwards

    the password is working!

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