Big Ideas Welcome Here



Wow, it’s been a while since I last wrote for this class. A lot of days passed so many things happened. But ill just start with the fun part a few days ago was my sisters birthday, her 18th birthday. you think its supposed to be a big deal and she would wake exited and filled with excitement. but nope this girl slept till it Athened duhr 1:00pm. and when she woke up it was just another day for her. I was the one exited as if it was my birthdays, I’m dancing around the house jumping around telling everyone its her birthday.i just can’t with this girl…

later that day I went down to my neighbors and I told them lets do something they got the lights and some junk food we found in our pantries and set it up on the table.

I went out the other day  at 7:02 with my neighbors to get some stuff we needed for the house, and the wether was to die for the sun was setting and there was a light breeze brushing in in the wind, it was just perfect. we went to this kind of pier looking place. near my house and sat there to enjoy the sunset.



All I’ve been doing is getting ready for ramadan. just 5 more days. Eeeeeep I’m so exited, but its official we won’t get to go the masque this year 🙁 🙁 there all closed. we started decorating and making food and preparing and storing it in the fridge so when the time comes all we have to do is just cook it or heat it. here are the decorations my cousins did…


Can’t wait to see how this ramadan 2020 is gonna go about.



  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Damn, Raghda, you have me beat. It all looks gorgeous. I have been so lax. The only photo I took was of my laundry in the bathtub.
    I did buy some chocolate chip cookies, though. Wait, maybe I will have one now…

    • Sarah Schmerler

      P.S. I am the same about birthdays, as in, I tend to get more excited about other people’s then they are.

  2. Kebz91

    Wow the decorations look awesome for ramadan, do you think you’re to be fasting while being home around all that food?

    • Rshahbain

      LMAOOOO hell yeah, I’m used to it. Ive been fasting since I was little girl so its a piece of cake. btw its even harder when your the one cooking -_- :(:( but it is what is lol :):)

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