Big Ideas Welcome Here

Meeting Announcement and Plans for Apr 20-24. Important Please Read

Hi Class. I have decided that in order for us all (myself included here) to get on track we need to connect in a real class time, so I am setting up a Zoom Meeting for Wednesday, April 22 at 9:00AM. I am making attendance mandatory to be sure that we all are on the same page. Agenda below. Bring your morning coffee/tea and be prepared to write and share. Meeting Agenda and Link to Join below:

AGENDA for CLASS APR 22, 9:00AM-9:45AM on Zoom

Arrival. MUSIC; say “good morning” / announce your presence in Chat. Attendance Taken.

 Real-time writing Excercise(s). Be prepared to write in limited time frame (just like in class) to a prompt given by the Prof. (approximately 5-10 minutes)

Moment of Silence for those we have lost or those close to us whom we wish to honor.

Circle-Time reading and sharing what we wrote. (Students read)

Discussion. Brief Presentations by Professor of GoogleDrive Documents and Plagiarism Policy and next steps to satisfy requirements for UNITS 3 and 4

Open Forum 

9:45  Goodbyes and planning of next meetup*

*Zoom only allows us to meet for 40 minutes and may cut us off. Apologies in advance if this happens.



S Schmerler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: S Schmerler’s Zoom Meeting 1121
Time: Apr 22, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 942 407 5048
Password: pyjamas


  1. Rshahbain

    so Pluto isn’t meeting today either ?

    • Sarah Schmerler

      No, Raghda, I haven’t scheduled any planets. I decided we ought to meet as a class. If Pluto wants to chat tomorrow, anyway, that’s cool, I just have a difficult time coordinating so maybe you are head Plutonian and if you think the others are game we schedule something for tomorrow morning/early afternoon. -Prof. S.

      • Rshahbain

        Sorry !!! for my late response but I have a class this morning that ends at 10 so I won’t be able to join if you’d scheduled it so well just meet tomorrow at 9 🙂

  2. Masha Sukkur

    professor is the password correct? I’m having an error joining the video chat

    • Rshahbain

      yes I’m having the same problem its telling me wrong password

  3. Daniel Szocs

    the password is not correct professor

  4. Ying Ying

    I’m also having trouble joining because of the password.

  5. Masha Sukkur

    but before we didn’t have to use a password for the video chat :/

  6. Masha Sukkur

    but before we didn’t have to use a password for the video chat :/

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