I picked “The Diary of a Wimpy kid” because that was my childhood book. Growing up in elementary school my teacher used to lend us books so that we can read at home. I remember I picked this book because it catched my attention due to how the book was made. The cover of the book had so many details , on how the drawings were made & the word font of the book. The main character of the book is called “Greg Heffley”. The thing that made this book interesting and funny was his personality, for me I felt that he wanted to be known by everyone fit in , almost like being famous since he mentioned that in the book. His actions he made were entertaining because he would try his best to do anything just to get what he wanted.

Sometimes I can relate to him because when I feel I want to accomplish something, I’ll do anything to achieve it but sometimes I may make silly mistakes or just make myself look clumsy without noticing. The way Greg would use his imagination was helpful for him to achieve his goals. When I want to get something accomplished I sometimes use my imagination so that I can picture it in my head and have a sense on how I would get it done. Also having a plan can be a really helpful thing because you have an outline on how everything is going to turn out so you don’t have to worry what’s going to happen next , since you have everything in your head ready. Greg Heffley would also pull pranks and make jokes with his friends just to have fun. That’s another thing I like to do , have fun , telling jokes and just having a great time with my friends & family. 


This book Inspired me to work hard & in life you would have to come across things that can block you from what you’re achieving. Since this book is a diary of a kid , I can understand what he goes through everyday and I feel it’s a good way to express yourself. A person reading a book about someone’s everyday life can make them understand and realize what type of person they are without even knowing them in real life.Â