Good Morning, Class, and welcome to this recess period. This is a good time for us to talk and take stock of the work you’ve done thus far and discuss how to move forward. I am setting up Zoom meetings for the next three days and will be inviting you. My thought is: if I group you into smaller circles, rather than one big class circle, we can all focus better, and have better discussion.

image of Pluto from

15-20 minutes each session

4 or 5 people at a time

each small zoom circle is going to be called a “planet” so I can keep them all straight.

I am looking for your reflection/summary assignments today, Monday…only one is turned in so far. Those will be referred to in our group discussion. So please get them to me.

Looking forward to “seeing” you all soon! I will send you another post with parameters of the meetings.

-Prof. S.