Anne Frank was one of the classic diaries almost everyone knew about. I remember reading it in middle school. I returned to reading it in high school after watching the movie “The Diary of Anne Frank” 2009 film. I was intrigued in how she had to live in hiding, and how she had to adapt to such drastic changes. It just gives us a glimpse of her point of view. 

Anne Frank’s diary is one of the biggest treasures in history. We feel her emotion and thoughts, that were personal. It’s sad that she had to go through the holocaust, but her experience has produced this diary that has had a huge impact on people. It educates all of us of the unjust discrimination the jews had to go threw. It shows us how damaging a negative attitude can have on others. 

Discrimination has existed for so long and society perpetuates it. We still see it today even in a multicultural country. We are all the same, with similar likings, ambitions, and hobbies. Anne Frank she was like everyone else. She had her own personality, likings, interests, and her diary reflects that. She wasn’t any different from anyone else, but because of her beliefs she and millions of others suffered.  Yet she still laughed and had her positive personality. Anne Frank is such a strong person along with all those that suffered in those circumstances. Till this day I feel for all those people who were victims of the Holocaust.