Big Ideas Welcome Here


March 25rd

12:30 pm

I woke up and check my phone for a bit. I went to brush my teeth and got ready for my Bio lecture at 1:00

1:00 pm

I hate Zoom lectures. I really don’t think online classes are for me. It is so hard to pay attention and stay focused. I wish I can just go back to school and learn in person.

2:30 pm

My lecture ended and I ate some dumplings with my mom and brother.

3:00 pm

I did some math homework and my Psychology assignment.

5:00 pm

I played some casual games like Stardew Valley and Jackbox with my friends.

7:00 pm

I had some stir-fry noodles with my family and did the dishes.

8:30 pm – 4:00 am

I binged some shows and movies and I tried to pull all-nighter playing games with my friends.

March 26th

3:00 pm

My brother woke me up because I was still sleeping. He asked if I was still alive.

4:00 pm

I worked on my math assignments and got distracted by social media.

7:00 pm

I ate my first meal of the day, had some steak, veggies, and rice. I realized that all-nighters are stupid and lame.

March 27th

12:00 am

I watched Mulan II again because Mulan is my all-time favorite

2:00 am

I went to sleep.

12:00 pm

I woke up and checked my social media for an hour and then called my friend to annoy him.

3:00 pm

I called parents of children from work to check on them and asked if they need any assistance.

4:30 pm

I watched some Youtube videos because I am really bored out of my mind.



  1. Masha Sukkur

    I love how you wrote little snippets of what you did throughout the whole day. I found that really interesting and your writing was simple and understanding so that’s also good

  2. Sarah Schmerler

    Ha. Sometimes the entries are funny and concise.
    They say stuff without “saying” it.
    -Prof. S.

  3. Farley

    I feel some professors are assigning more work than if we were in class. I feel some of the work is technically less challenging but very monotonous.

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