Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry 2_Kenny

I have been feeling fine even though the numbers have rose dramastically for the amount of people coming in contact with the virus but I still have faith for better to come. I haven’t really done much or at least tried to avoid going out as much but recently I have done some last minute shopping and have done laundry while cleaning up the house too with my family. Ive just been watching movies, being on my phone or just rest for the amount of time I have before I start class on Monday at 8 am. I don’t really worry a lot because I feel like if you make the situation worse than it already has to be, then you’ll just be living in fear and no one should really go through that. I try to be optimistic towards certain situations so that other people around me can feel better or help me have confidence that things will get better. But the places I have went to recently was my aunt’s house, the deli to buy sandwiches, the laundromat, and just over at one of my best friend’s house. Even though It’s become a habit to always be clean since I’m used to it by now but cleaning my hands especially since just touching your face with the virus in your hands is very harmful. My close friends have been doing well and have went shopping with their families to wholesale stores such as Bj’s and Costco. I haven’t really went shopping but my parents have restocked on a bunch of food for the quarantine and with cleaning supplies too. I know best it yet to come but we have encountered many problems in the past as a nation and I think we can pass this virus crisis if we all work together


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Hi Kenny,
    I am glad your parents and family seem to have things well in hand.
    I prefer shopping in the small stores, myself. The larger ones make me more anxious. People’s behavior, the empty shelves. There seem to be more smiles and less panic in the small stores. What’s your local deli like?
    -Prof. S.

  2. Wala Nagi

    I second that, washing my hands has became a habit now. I don’t drink after anyone anymore and started following my dads rules “no one is to have a conversation with each other unless they’re 3 feet apart.”

  3. Ariel Ruiz

    I like what you said about not worrying so much, or then you’ll live in fear. It’s an obstacle that many are facing right now. People are imaging the worse and are in chaos. I try to stay positive too especially to keep my family calm. Of course that doesn’t mean I don’t take precautions. I make sure I wash my hands and when we were still going to college, I would wash my clothes when I got home. I’m very very strict with my parents(they’re older) and my sister, they say I’m the mom

  4. LoryJ

    I don’t worry as much I don’t even watch the news. But yea I make sure I wash my hands a lot more

  5. LoryJ

    I don’t worry as much I don’t even watch the news. But yea I make sure I wash my hands a lot more

  6. LoryJ

    I don’t worry as much I don’t even watch the news. But yea I make sure I wash my hands a lot more

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