Big Ideas Welcome Here

Blog 2

Social distancing has been weird for me personally. I feel like I had become a very unproductive person. I had been procrastinating so much that I forget to do my assignments on time. My daily schedule is now:  sleep, eat, game, and talk to my friends. It is nice to be able to wake up whenever I want to but at the same time, I feel confined into my apartment and having to listen to my little brother scream and running around.

So far, everyone in my family is healthy. My mom stocked up a lot of food and our family spent all of our time indoors. My mom is relaxed and happy that she is finally able to relax at home. She said she is bored at home but, I can tell that she is relaxed and is enjoying the time off.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    I am glad to hear things are good with you and your mom. What sort of stuff do you eat? Do you help her cook?
    Do you want to have her help you with our class?
    It could be fun. And less boring. I could think up something. Maybe she can write a diary, too, or be in yours…
    Okay, maybe I am bored and am just fishing here.
    Good to hear from you. Stay well!!!
    -Prof. S.

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