Big Ideas Welcome Here

Mimi Blog 1

I am so ready to have an online class that how I feel about the situation. What helps me cope is praying that I have an online class is will help it not spread. What I see from others is racist people trying to act up for no reason and me sitting and ignoring their dumb actions and praying krama hit them with the coronavirus. For my advice for students to wash their hands. One good thing that happens is we might have online class two watching another school close while cuny wants the student to stuffer.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    I notice my thoughts get pretty dark — a lot of the time.
    What do you mean CUNY students suffer? More than others? Not sure I understand, but I could believe you! We never have anything easy. My old school used to tell us that they were mean to us because that’s how the “real world” would be once we get out, and they didn’t want to coddle us.
    Can you believe? Like, the Bursar line can be manageable, AND I could actually be an independently functioning person once I graduate. Don’t you think?

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