Big Ideas Welcome Here

Blog 1

Because of the COVID-19 people worldwide seem to have let this 2019 coronavirus fuel their xenophobic and racist ideals. A lot of people tend to not do their research and only watch the news, instead of going to organizations like WHO (World Health Organization) for their information. Instead, they let social media and news outlets twist information and put fear in them. As a result of the misinformation of COVID-19’s origin being spread by the media, people let their fear overshadow the reality of this pandemic. Just last Saturday a 48-year-old  Asian man was stabbed 13 times, multiple times in the back, chest, and head with a knife just because he was wearing a mask. Not to mention, last Thursday an Asian man on the train was sprayed with air freshener over coronavirus concerns. I notice that the spread of COVID-19, rules that should have been implemented years ago are now being put into place. For example, the subway station is being cleaned twice a day, as well as other countries outside of North America making paid leave possible for people so they can leave work. Things like these should have been done, but because of the rapid spread of the virus, there is a change in the precaution that people are taking. Hopefully, these rules can become the norm in our society. 


1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Thank you for sharing, Ying Ying. I can’t even begin to say how sad the kind of ignorance you are describing makes me feel. People should…know. And, they should care and WANT to know.
    I feel like (and I am sorry if I sound like a teacher here) that’s why education is so very important. We all have to value truth. And we all have to show others how important it is to seek truth.
    Another teacher-y thing to say here, but I can’t help it: I don’t think of research as re-search. I think of research as search, and search some more, and search again. We always need to look for data that goes beyond our comfort zone. That way we change ourSelves. Research is something we do all the time, and don’t even realize it, because we Care.
    -Prof. S.

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