Before this coronavirus became a thing, I noticed how people used to be rather than how they’re starting to act. I watch how people react to a simple sneeze now, beforehand it was a battle on who was going to scream out “god bless you”, now you see people take 7 steps back from the person. Yesterday my dad came home with masks and this was not the original blue mask you see everyone wearing, it was the ones a construction builder would wear and I called him crazy. He told me if I weren’t to wear it, I’m not going to school and to me that didn’t sound bad but then again, education comes first. When ebola happened, everyone was reacting the same way but this time, worse. Like do you really think a 7oz hand sanitizer can cure it? No I didn’t think so. But everyone should be cautious because it is spreading pretty fast. Stay clean, sanitized, and careful. But don’t let this virus make you crazy like half the world has became.