Transformation is New Perception

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Feb 8th is special because…

A) you completed a quiz — (see screen shot above) — that was utterly absurd, and survived

B) somebody in class (who?) said it was their birthday today — (see screen shot above)

C) the college declares this a “conversion day” — and we don’t have class

D) I forgot about the conversion day, and am patiently waiting in the Zoom room

Happy Birthday to Whomever is Turning 19 Today

And see you on Thursday.

Oh, P.S. I will drop a new assignment and video for you later today.

Life is Change

Life is always changing. Everyday is always a different day. Humans and animals are adapting everytime and that’s what makes the universe expand. I was raised in America and nature is all everywhere, and everything is always changing. The way we talk, act, even lifestyles are all changing in time. As years change, humans are learning plenty. But it ain’t just humans that are learning. It’s animals as well. They change their lifestyles as well by learning. They way they upgrade their “wealth”, their lifestyle, their skill, etc.  

Life is Change

Life is always accelerating and advancing. That is the cause that makes humans thrive and create results. We will always face difficulties in this thing we call “Life,” but regardless we must keep advancing. Humans are incredibly naive but we bear aspiring dreams that pass via descendants. We are an exclusive species that have an advanced and rich language and even faith. Humans are incredibly greedy as well, at times we are influenced by simply gaining wealth. We can agree that humans are strangely driven creatures that are always changing and advancing.

Humans aspire in leaving the earth in better shape regarding future descendants than the earth that was inherited. Recently, Humans have experienced drastically different circumstances causing a great change in the quest regarding the advancements that’d help future descendants. These circumstances have caused a change in the quest, that change being survival. Referencing the decaying matter regarding the planet, future descendants are not guaranteed as they have been by the past heirs. Thus the change separates us and the past ages.

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