Transformation is New Perception

Category: Announcements (Page 6 of 10)

Worth One Attendance Credit: WEEK 8

Attending your One-on-One Conference will earn you one attendance credit for this week. However, to earn the second attendance credit, you must watch these two videos (they are super short!) and comment to this blog post (see my note, below). This should take you very little time. What, 15 minutes? You’re Welcome.

I need you to watch these two videos. These concepts are going to be super important to us going forward:

Please write in comments to this post and tell us your reactions. What do you think?! Do you read, laterally, as a rule?  Were you told that Wikipedia is “bad”? I want to get some dialogue going on this post. So any reflection you have about your past or your style of research is really encouraged. (And, by the way, I LOVE Wikipedia! And I hear this all the time.)

P.S. If you had my class last semester, then you have probably already seen these. Feel free to just comment to this post / comment on other people’s comments — I will see your name there.

One-on-One Conferences Sign Up

Hi Class. The  link to the sign up sheet is here.

During conferences, we can discuss how you feel about the class, how you are doing; I will be giving you your mid-term grade. (Mid-Terms Grades are P for passing; BL for borderline; U for Unacceptable)

The signup sheet is also in your WEEK 7 folder. In your folder, I put a resource page with links to the OpEd pieces we read in class on Thursday, plus other goodies to help you.



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