Transformation is New Perception

Author: Sarah Schmerler (Page 10 of 11)

Your next Assignment and…AOT?

So your next assignment — that “Life is Change” thing — is officially placed in your WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT FOLDER if you want to go look at it. Personally, I like it when students interpret things in their own way. More to think about, because learning is a PrOCeSs.

I am trying to remember names. Dana, Fenelon, Lamar, Husnain, Mishal, Denver, Edmond, Matthew, Anthony…the more you talk with me, hopefully the more I will remember. I really enjoyed getting the First Day out of the way and having the opportunity to greet all of you. So much I wanna tell you.

By next time: please have already joined OpenLab and completed your Intro Post and commented on other people’s posts. (If you hit “OLDER POSTS” at the bottom of the screen, you can find people who may not have gotten any comments yet.)

I must say that I am interested in the fact that a number of people are into anime. Do I, personally, know much about this? Frankly, no; but I like to learn new things; is there some idea you have for how we can discuss it in class? I’d listen.

ZOOMLINKS are in the menu, above, for joining next class. Scroll down to find all the Thursday links.

If you want to chat with me and ask me stuff before next class, please find me on Discord (invite link below). Caution, I am new to Discord. Thank you. : – )

Wednesday from noon–1:00PM is when you would find me there:

This is a photo of Georges Perec, the man who wrote “A Void.” He wrote it in French, without the letter “e,” and it was later translated into English without the letter, “e.” Its original title was “La Disparition” (The Disappearance).

Be safe. Be well. ‘Till soon.

Intro Assignment by S.S.


Okay, that’s two words, but to me they are happening at once. First day of school — always exciting. Then, there is the fact that, frankly, I am already anxious.

Will I get over my own Zoom burn out and truly be able to communicate?

What will people…think, feel, understand of what I am going to say?

You can’t tell people what to understand; you can’t tell people what to like. Whatever a student wants to feel or do is ultimately up to them. You can inspire, but you can’t teach people anything that is truly deep, meaningful, forever. That has to well up from inside THEM.

So, as you may already know, this is what my desk generally looks like, except that it is cleaner than usual this morning.

And yes, I drank All The Coffee already. And there’s still 2 more hours to go.

P.S. I NEVER get Starbucks. I get DUNKiN’. This is like the first time in 2 1/2 years.

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