Transformation is New Perception

Author: sagar tharu

Sagar Tharu

Life is change

Farther name as regards life is change. Everywhere encircling us things are changing with time. Changes are real and natural and it’s beautiful. Every living creature must experience changes in their life’s phase till dying. We can see interval changes in weather as well beginning with winter, spring, summer, and fall. nil things in this universe are permanent, everything that we see, and feel changes with time few take lengthy time while a few less.

Even in the science field, thesis by different metaphysicians and scientists are changed when the new thesis is added, as an example ideas relating gravity are gradually changing by quantum physics. And in the music field, there was an era metal bands in the 1900s but eventually, it disappears. Feelings and interest when we were teenagers are different these days. Life’s Desire, aim changes with time. When I was a child, my aim was dancing, but these were just left as beautiful feelings. Snacks and drinks that were best at past are tasteless. I like dancing but at present, I like playing guitar. I was shy as a child but at present, I like making new friends and gathering. Feelings at humans are changes as well. A while back we used liking certain humans but at present, these feelings are changed . When I was started writing this, I was feeling very hard at starting but it’s interesting with critical thinking. This is what changes is in every life’s stage. It’s very hard accepting these changes in life but it’s natural and it happens till this universe remains.


Hi, good morning everyone. 

My name is Sagar tharu. I am doing mechanical engineering at Citytech. This is my 7th semester at Citytech And hopefully, I will be graduating soon.I am very interested in designing machine tools that makes life easier and I love to do programming and coding as well. I have designed some of interesting things like car engine and turbo jet. Besides this I play guitar and I’m fond of music. In winter vacation I have created youtube channel where i make engineering tutorial videos. English is always my weakest point. I find very hard to write things that are not related to science. I am hoping to enjoy this class throughout semester. thank you

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