Transformation is New Perception

Author: Ming Jie Wu Zhang

Ming Jie Wu Zhang_LIPOGRAM 1

Life is Changed

                    With the advancement, science, tech and many things are quietly changing. It has been ancient times when birds send letters, an email has made life easier. Making a fire is all just a simple twist, bringing light and warmth. Burning feet and carriage are replaced by the car, subway, train, airplane and ship. 

                    The dim and unstable candles and lamps’ light in the dark is replaced by electric light bulbs. Dreaming and imagining flying in the sky by myths is truly existing. We invented spaceships and saw different planets. Prayed the Buddha because illness, treating it in an ancient way has been denied by science. Medicine is what helps humans survive. Life is changing, human’s smartness and ability will make life even better.

Assignment 1 OL 48: “Intro”


My name is Ming Jie Wu Zhang. Ming is fine to me.  And I believe it will be easier to remember and say it. English is my second language, and that is the reason why I am anxious about this class. I haven’t had such a long winter break before. However, most of the time I was just staying at home and relaxing. I hope I can get through this class smoothly and get to know more friends.

This is a Game call Forza Horizon 4, which is where I begin to get interested with car.

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