Transformation is New Perception

Author: Mishal Bhutta

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Change is an essential element in humanity; rather, many individuals have argued that it is life. We must be prepared and redefine selves with change. Many individuals cherish change, while many deny hence, staying still and can’t mature in their life. Several individuals assume that change isn’t the best thing that can happen, but this isn’t always true. Things must shift, thus, making individuals step further with life. I believe that change is beneficial and that if hardly anything changed, life might end. I further believe that individuals must make adjustments in their lives, deliberately learning new things and experiencing by executing things differently might benefit them. Individuals will realize that changes help them grasp things better and achieve life further in quite a few cases. We all have times in life when we need a change, such as attending university, leaving parents, breaking up, starting a new career, etc. Change may be as easy as rearranging everyday schedules and can be as difficult as making life-changing judgments. Whether individuals accept the changes that have happened in life, it is still a magnificent chance, learning much regarding change and life. Many changes are inevitable, while many are entirely under the establishment called the mind and spirit. Admitting the unusual difference may be beneficial even if it is distressing. Change is merely an asset and we determine its result. Traveling may be better, that making new friends is better than having distant friendships, even that crucial changes are necessary. Past can’t be altered, but it can change the present and future while praying the better and best happens. In this existence, everything vanishes and ends, meaning the change cycle isn’t permanent either. There will be happy and bad times, and embracing them is the best settlement.

Assignment 1 “Intro”

Hi! My name is Mishal.

I feel as if I am sitting on the edge of a chair. I am definitely feeling very excited about this class, but at the same time, I am very nervous. My winter vacation was good. On New Year’s Eve, I tested positive for COVID. I was really sick, but it gave me the opportunity to relax and read books. I also had plenty of time to catch up on sleep and concentrate on my work. One of the most significant disadvantages of online classrooms is the loss of face-to-face interaction. There’s always concern about technological difficulties, and it’s easy to become distracted now that we’re all at home. Online learning boosts my anxiety like a vitamin. There’s also the likelihood that you won’t get help or support from your professors or even peers. Overall, I am looking forward to learning new things in this class and possibly making new friends.

For me, there’s nothing better than a good cup of coffee first thing in the morning. I can’t spend a day without drinking at least one cup. It’s an important component of my everyday routine. Even the smell of coffee has the potential to help me feel less worried. In my opinion, anything worthwhile starts with a good, strong cup of coffee.

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