The gift that is life can vary as every human being has a different view with living with that gift we call life. It may be with creating art, music, literature and many many plentiful different pieces that are creative. Life can put difficult circumstances in the way causing many to be distraught. Angered, Saddened, Left with inquiries that are never answered. Life is all change and never stability. Changing the mind, The physical self, The attributes, The skills. Life is Change, Life never remains paused and it never will. Life finds a way and finds a new path. If the human wants the change in a manageable way they must change with it. They must never remain paused.


When life begins changing it is in the best interest that we change with it. Life is timeless and will never wait. It requires that we always charge and never pause. Life is never life if it never changes. If we want betterment we must change. Life never changing is just a sampled piece of life. Life with change is living and living is the end. The ending that life is meant to achieve.

– Anthony Bermejo Vazquez