Hi Class,

If you look on the menu of this site, you will see the outline of our UNITS under COURSE INFO. HERE is the Direct Link. If you have not already looked at that page, please look now.

All the capstone assignments and due dates for all the UNITS are there. Even if I have not finished grading your UNIT 2 Op-Ed, there is no reason you can’t start now on your UNIT 3 composition.

Many of you have had this same assignment already in your 1101 section. (If you did, then yes, it is essentially the same thing — only about the topic you covered in your Op-Ed. If you chose an issue close to your heart for your Op-Ed research — as I asked! — then this assignment will hopefully be creative and even fun.)

The Writing Center can help with ideation, questions.

Again, no class this week.

I, and my family, thank you for your understanding.